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REVIEW: teeth by wage war

Another week of music release dropping before the typical New Music Friday, starting off with Wage War. Since announcing that they were set to release their 4th studio album they haven’t been shy with dropping singles, this week we got a third track off the album, “Teeth.” So far the other two singles, “Circle The Drain” and “High Horse” have been certified bangers, I was certain Teeth wouldn’t be any different. The intro to the songs is filled with hard hitting synths that really set the tone for the song, as for the rest of the song it’s continued to be a mix of their older sound coming back to light combined with their newer sound. It’s also a great song in the fact that lyrically it’s a song that definitely hits hard with the majority of the chorus sung by guitarist and vocalist, Cody Quistad. With all these singles released so far, it’s hard to not want more! Mark your calendars for October 1st, I believe Wage War will not disappoint with this album and it’s going to be a really good era to witness from the band.


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