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REVIEW: deserve by animalweapon

Latest on artist you should check out is Animalweapon, also known as Patrick Cortes. The bedroom electronic artist released a lo-fi single back in November called, Deserve. The single is a glimpse of what’s to come from the artist as we can expect an upcoming album this year. With a steady beat and humble vocals, Cortes really has achieved the perfect lo-fi sound in this latest single. When it comes to lo-fi songs, I tend to usually lose myself in the sound, however with this single it was a tad bit different for the fact that what I really focused on was the lyrics. The lyrics dives in more on an emotional sense.

“It’s about realizing that you don’t deserve to let depression or trauma, or anxiety ruin your life, which is something I’ve known I’ve been doing for a very long time, brought into even sharper relief when I recently started going back to therapy with a firmer commitment.” Patrick explains. After knowing this and listening to the lyrics the track really becomes relatable, it’s the type of track that is perfect to be listening on the gloomy, rainy days and getting a little lost in thought. It’s definitely one of my favorite lo-fi songs to date, giving it a 4 out of 5-star rating.


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