TX2, an underrated pop punk/rap band (formerly hip hop) based in Miami, recently released a new single on July 21st called “Pull the Plug”. Based on their previous releases, this song is an entirely new sound for them that “aims to bring true punk attitude back into the mainstream music genre” according to their Spotify bio.
The song starts with the ticking of a clock and a smooth flow of lyrics from Evan, the face of TX2. Thirteen seconds in we see the punk influence that immediately sends any and all emos into headbang mode. The song sheds light on mental illness and the struggle to want others to see the potential to be big that you see in yourself. The lyric “smile and wave but they’re so blind” hints at how most of us deal with our struggles, by pretending they don’t exist and too easily being successful in covering it up. TX2 states, “On the surface, people can always seem put together, but you never know when someone is one stitch away from falling apart.” My favorite part is at 1:42, I’m a sucker for a good long scream, and Evan delivered, followed by a solo guitar riff. Needless to say, pop punk never died, if anything it’s more relevant than ever.
I think with the release of “Pull the Plug” and the awaited release of “Where’d U Come From?” is sending TX2 into their next era of sound. You don’t want to miss it.