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REVIEW: panopticon by silent planet

Silent Planet, an American metalcore band that’s been around since 2009, released “Panopticon” only five days ago. I would still consider Silent Planet to be underrated, because the way they masterfully have intense conversations with their music deserves more recognition than they get. If you like bands like Beartooth, Bring Me The Horizon, or I Prevail, you’ll definitely like Silent Planet.

Their latest release, “Panopticon”, sends the message that social media will be the death of what remains of humanity. The first roughly twenty seconds of the song immediately made me think of Bring Me The Horizons most recent album POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR. I could go on and on about the lyrics of this song and their deeper meaning, but I'll just mention the ones that initially spoke to me. The lyric “we lose ourselves and retreat to screens” is all too accurate for the way society currently works and the lyric feels like it should be a wake up call to anyone listening. The way Garrett Russell lowers the scream for the last two lines of the song, “Unto us, a program is born / Holy virus, taker of the Earth” delivers the song’s message in its entirety. They’re written like a similar bible verse, which gave me chills to think about because those last two lines insinuate “God (or a higher power) created the earth, and social media/screens will be the earth's destruction” and not only is that a powerful statement but they’re right.

Silent Planet proceed to add dialogue to important conversations with their music, “Panopticon” being a perfect example in continuing conversation about the way electronics and social media plague society and our quality of life.


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